25 Welcome to Basics of Psychoanalysis

This module covers the Basics of Psychoanalysis. Please watch the videos and work your way through the notes. The videos start on the next page. You can find the module playlist here.

25.1 Learning Goals

By the end of this module, you should be able to achieve all the learning goals outlined below.

  • Know the major tenets of Freud’s therapeutic philosophy and technique.
  • Identify aspects of Freud’s legacy.
  • Identify the key ideas behind psychoanalytic theory as well as its overarching goal.
  • Explain conventional and unconventional behavior from a psychoanalytic perspective.
  • Identify the parts that make up the internal structure of the mind.
  • Review criticisms and controversies of psychoanalysis.
  • Identify current psychoanalytic therapeutic tendencies.
  • Describe the psychosocial stages of development.
  • Discuss how individuals move through the psychosocial stages.
  • Know the extreme consequences of not successfully moving through each stage in a normative way.
  • Define fixation, regression, identification.
  • Distinguish between primary and secondary process thinking.
  • Identify and discuss the different levels of the topographic model of thinking.
  • Discuss how dreams fit in to Freud’s model of consciousness.
  • Explain how the various parapraxis and defense mechanisms are deterministic.

25.2 Module Materials

25.2.1 Explore

  • Readings
    • Located on Canvas
    • Chapter 10 from the Personality Puzzle
  • Videos
    • Located in the subchapters of this module
  • Slidedecks
    • Located on Canvas

25.2.2 Engage

  • Activities
    • Located on Canvas

25.2.3 Evaluate

  • Quiz
    • Located on Canvas

25.2.4 Estimated Video Length