27 Welcome to Psychoanalysis After Freud

This module covers modern aspects of Psychoanalysis After Freud Please watch the videos and work your way through the notes. The videos start on the next page. You can find the module playlist here.

27.1 Learning Goals

By the end of this module, you should be able to achieve all the learning goals outlined below.

  • Relate the various neo-Freudians with their specific psychoanalytic approach.
  • Identify contemporary psychoanalytic theory in general and understand how it relates to the main tenets of classic psychoanalytic theory.
  • Understand the common ways Freudian ideas are interpreted today.
  • Identify the ways in which neo-Freudians differ from Freud in their approach to psychoanalysis.
  • Understand modern neo-Freudians and their theoretical contributions to current research.
  • Be able to identify how neo-Freudians explain life-span development.
  • Understand the ways in which neo-Freudian ideas have influenced modern personality and developmental and social psychology.
  • Identify the major tenets behind object relations theory and how it relates to classic psychoanalytic theory.
  • Evaluate contemporary psychological research in relation to classic psychoanalytic theory.
  • Identify Freudian theories that have modern scientific support and those that do not.

27.2 Module Materials

27.2.1 Explore

  • Readings
    • Located on Canvas
    • Chapter 11 from the Personality Puzzle
  • Videos
    • Located in the subchapters of this module
  • Slidedecks
    • Located on Canvas

27.2.2 Engage

  • Activities
    • Located on Canvas

27.2.3 Evaluate

  • Quiz
    • Located on Canvas

27.2.4 Estimated Video Length