6 Communication

Be mindful that there is a person on the other end of your request – me. I’m a person. So please be intentional with your emails and recognize that my time in finite. It is in everyone’s best interest that I spend my time engaging with students in meaningful ways, not pointing you to material you can find on your own. Be sure to check the syllabus, course website, course content, and classmates before emailing me. This practice is important training for life after college – when you have a question, the first thing you do should not be to email your boss. I do not want to discourage you from engaging with me. I love teaching because I love interacting with students. However, I do not want to engage with you in ways that nurture your inability to critically think and prevents me from engaging with other students.

If you are ever uncertain about the purpose of an assignment, the learning objectives of an activity, or how an assessment will be graded, please reach out. My goal is to be organized, thoughtful, and transparent. All my assignments were thoughtfully chosen. There is no busy work or unnecessary required course material1. If I have done a poor job explaining the motivation for any aspect of my course, please let me know so I can be more clear.

6.1 Minimums

You are expected to read every LMS announcement, message, and email, as well as view the media embedded within those communications. Students are expected to check e-mail on a frequent and regular basis in order to stay current with University-related communications. Please recognize that certain communications may be time-critical. At minimum, you should be checking your communications within 24 hours. Ignorance of a class communication is not grounds for an excused absence or extension.

6.1.1 Self Advocacy

If you are struggling in this class, please talk to me. Do not assume that I know what is going on in your life. Talk to me and tell me what you need.

6.1.2 Requests for Re-Assessment

Please send any questions about grades in writing via email within one week after the assignment is returned. If I erred in scoring or in calculating the grade, I will happily update the record. Otherwise, I will be most receptive toward questions framed in terms of your learning (rather than simply your performance), as research has shown that focusing overly on extrinsic rewards (like grades) is likely to lead to all sorts of outcomes that I don’t wish for you (lower interest in the course material, lower learning, lower enjoyment).

6.2 Instructor Availability

I am readily accessible during business hours (9:00AM-5:30PM; Monday-Friday) via email/ LMS/ git/ zoom/ carrier pigeon/calendly. Outside those hours, I do not typically respond to messages, in order to devote time to my family, rest, and living my life. Messages received during these times will receive attention once I am back online. Otherwise you can expect to receive a response to your message within 12 to 24 hours, often much sooner. If you do not hear back after 36 hours, please follow-up with me.

I have given out my cell-phone number, in the case of true emergencies. Please be mindful that poor planning on your part does not constitute an emergency for me.

6.2.1 Is it a true emergency?

How do you know if it is a true emergency?

  • Ask yourself, would a reasonable person consider this situation an emergency?
  • How would the situation change if you waited until morning?
  • Could this situation have been prevented by starting earlier?
  • Would Professor Mason really want to know about this situation right now?
  • If you were in Professor Mason’s shoes, would you consider this an emergency?

6.3 Recordings

6.3.1 Recording of Class Sessions.

All or some in-person and synchronous classes may be recorded. Student images and voices may be captured in these recordings. I will do my best to protect that information from being shared outside the confines of the class. Recordings with students in them will be available for viewing only by students enrolled in the class via Canvas or an alternative platform. The recordings are intended to improve access to course content. No other recording, including by students, is permitted without explicit permission. (Recordings for notetaking or accommodations are typically permitted. Just chat with me about it.)

6.3.2 Recording Tails in our Synchronous Classes.

Synchronous class recordings may include events that happen before class officially begins or after it officially ends. Students should take care to not discuss any confidential matters during these periods of time.

6.3.3 Access to Recordings.

Students may access the class recordings made available to them solely for the purpose of participating in the course. The recordings may not be used by any person other than a student enrolled in the course or for any purpose other than to participate in the course. Students are prohibited from downloading or distributing any portion of the recordings for any purpose. Students should understand that technical problems or human error may prevent successful recording.

  1. even the engagement activities serve a clear purpose↩︎