1 Policy Overview

In this section, I provide specific language for all of my course policies. These policies are in addition to the policies and procedures outlined in the university bulletin. There are slight differences between the undergraduate college and the graduate school.

1.1 Changes

This syllabus is intended to provide the student with guidance on what may be covered during the semester and will be followed as closely as possible. The dates for tests and assignments will not change except for extraordinary events. I reserve the right to modify, supplement, and make changes as the course needs arise. I try to avoid making changes to the syllabus. However, if substantive changes occur, I will only make changes that are less burdensome and more advantageous to the students. (If I make a change that increases your burden, please talk to me so that we can find a solution.)

1.1.1 Interpretation

If any policies in this syllabus require interpretation, the instructor’s determination is final. That determination will be consistent with the original intent of the policy. Clarifications and interpretations will be committed to the syllabus github repo to codify the document’s intent.