9 Student Support & Resources

Below you’ll find materials of available supports for this course.

9.1 Resource Collections

9.1.1 Student Support Services

The follow list is a non-exhaustive list of services that Wake Forest offers to students.

Center for Learning, Access and Student Success

  • Academic Coaching: encourages students to strengthen a wide range of study skills including time management, note-taking, study skills, planning and organizing, test preparation, and test anxiety.

  • Disability Services: enable students with disabilities to experience equal access to the academic, social, and recreational activities and programs at Wake Forest University.

  • Peer Tutoring Program: provides individual or group assistance to any undergraduate student wishing to improve their learning in specific courses. Tutors focus on the learning process and help students make progress toward their academic goals.

Thrive Remotely * To support the students, faculty, and staff of Wake Forest University, the Office of Wellbeing, Campus Recreation, and other colleagues at WFU have curated this hub of resources which encompass a variety of wellbeing topics to help our community as we transition to remote school and work. WFU Honor Code Definitions

These definitions are reproduced from the WFU Honor Code

Cheating, plagiarism, stealing, deception, academic misconduct, and contempt are considered violations of the Honor Code. These terms should be construed to have their ordinary, non-legal meaning.

  1. The term “cheating” includes:
    1. providing or receiving unauthorized assistance in academic endeavors (e.g., quizzes, tests, examinations, reports, term papers);
    1. use of sources beyond those authorized by the instructor in writing papers, preparing reports, solving problems, or carrying out other assignments; or
    1. the use, without permission, of tests or other academic material belonging to a member of the University faculty or staff.
  1. “Plagiarism” is a type of cheating. It includes:
    1. the use, by paraphrase or direct quotation, of the published or unpublished work of another person without complete acknowledgment of the source;
    1. the unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another agency or person providing term papers or other academic materials;
    1. the non-attributed use of any portion of a computer algorithm or data file; or
    1. the use, by paraphrase or direct quotation, of online material without complete acknowledgment of the source.
     When faced with conflicting definitions of plagiarism during a case, the Honor and Ethics Council will adopt the definition established for use in the department/course by the department or professor involved in the case.
  1. The term “stealing” includes:
    1. the unauthorized taking, misappropriation, or possession of any property belonging to, owned by, or maintained by the University, an organization, or another individual, or
    1. the possession, retention, or disposal of stolen property.
  1. The term “deception” includes any false or deceiving representation. In the academic context, such representations include:
    1. any attempt to avoid meeting the stated course requirements, such as making false statements to avoid taking examinations at the scheduled times or to avoid turning in assignments at the scheduled times;
    1. listing sources in a bibliography not directly used in the academic exercise; or
    1. submitting falsified, invented, or fictitious data or evidence, or concealing or distorting the true nature, origin, or function of data or evidence.
     In the social context, deceptive representations include:
    1. making a false statement to a University official, including Residence Advisors, or
    1. presenting a false identification.
  1. The term “academic misconduct” may be used as a generic designation for all honor code violations in the academic context. As a specific charge it includes:
    1. the violation of University policies by tampering with grades
    1. taking part in obtaining or distributing any part of an unadministered academic exercise;
    1. any attempt to gain access or to aid another in gaining access to any computer account other than one’s own without proper authorization; or
    1. any attempt to gain access or to aid another in gaining access, without proper authorization, to department offices, faculty offices, laboratories, or any other place where unadministered assignments are kept.
  1. The term “contempt” includes:
    1. instances of perjury (giving false testimony), or
    1. acts which otherwise obstruct the conduct process.

Note: Cheating, stealing, making false or deceiving statements, plagiarism, vandalism, and harassment are just as wrong when done in the context of computing as they are in all other aspects of University conduct.

9.1.2 Discussion Board Etiquette

Here are a few websites that cover general guidelines for how to write discussion board posts. * Discussion Board Etiquette by Kay Lehmann and Lisa Chamberlin * Etiquette For Online Course Discussion Board Posts by Kelly Paul

Here’s a useful and quick video on discussion boards

9.1.4 Tech Services & Computer Resources

Basic Computer Requirements Having regular access to a computer with a reliable Internet connection is required. You will need a word processing program capable of saving word formats such as .doc, .docx or .pdf.

Check out the technical requirements for your computer and browser in order to maximize Canvas functionality: Test your computer’s readiness

Plug-ins and Helper Applications There may be plug-ins and helper applications to download that support the Canvas environment and play multimedia such as:

Browser Support

While Chrome is the preferred browser for most Canvas interactions, Canvas supports the latest versions of every browser release. It’s highly recommended that you update to the newest version of whatever browser you are using as well as the most up-to-date Flash plug-in. Check out the Canvas Browser Support page (Links to an external site.) for the most recent information.

Tech Support Cheat Sheet